Become an Electric Responder in New Zealand!

EV FireSafe is delighted to bring our Electric Responder training program to New Zealand in early September 2024

What is 
Electric Responder NZ?

Electric Responder NZ is a live EV training event for first and second emergency responders to explore the tools, tactics and techniques needed to adapt response to an electrified world.

You'll receive evidence-backed EV awareness and take part in an interactive incident management session designed to give you two vital skills; the ability to confidently manage electric vehicles in emergency incidents, and life-saving knowledge to share with your team back at the brigade, station or unit.

These sessions are perfect for:
  • Firefighters
  • Road Rescuers
  • Police
  • Paramedics
  • Mining ERT
  • Airport firefighters
  • Shipping firefighters
  • Emergency managers 
  • Road authorities
  • Road network ops
  • Roadside assist
  • Traffic management
  • Towing
  • Salvage
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Or choose your location, day and time below


Monday 2nd Sep, 10:00 - 12:00, at Meridian Energy 


Monday 2nd Sep, 14:00 - 16:00, at Meridian Energy 


Tuesday 3rd Sep, 14:00 - 16:00, at Meridian Energy 


Wednesday 4th Sep, 10:00 - 12:00, venue TBC


Wednesday 4th Sep, 14:00 - 16:00, venue TBC


Friday 6th Sep, 14:00 - 16:00, venue TBC 


Saturday 7th Sep, 10:00 - 12:00, venue TBC 


Saturday 7th Sep, 14:00 - 16:00, venue TBC

Psst! Are you looking for our NZ EV Charging Fire Risks Workshops? Click here!

What will you learn at Electric Responder?

Using data-backed knowledge, you'll get on solid ground with the new hazards and risks of EVs in collision and fire, and receive the ER Pocket Guide - to be carried in your truck or protective clothing - and Training Pack, which contains 2x skills drills you can take back to share with your team.

ER Pocket Guide

Print it, fold it, pop it in your pocket or on the truck...your Electric Responder Pocket Guide is an at-a-glance cheat sheet for managing EVs in emergencies

ER Training Booklet

An in-depth look at the ER Pocket Guide, stepping through our IAIIM EVABC'll have two skills drills you can take back to the station, unit or brigade

EV ERG & Explore

A hands-on look at EVs high voltage systems, battery pack, immobilisation and isolation methods that'll set you up for incident management success

Why should you become an
Electric Responder?

The world is electrifying...are you ready to respond?
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EV are here to stay

You may not be a fan of electric vehicles, but their numbers are doubling year on year, with over 40 million on the road in early 2024. Most major manufacturers have announced dates on which they'll stop making internal combustion vehicles. They're here and we need to adapt!

EVs pose new risks

The EV sector moves rapidly, and there are new risks and challenges for responders when an EV is involved in collision or fire. EV FireSafe's data-driven training is carefully designed and delivered to provide scenarios and solutions based on real-world incidents.

Safety around EVs is key

It doesn't matter which uniform you wear, you have to learn new techniques (and adapt familiar ones!) to ensure your safety - and that of your crew - around electric cars, buses and trucks. EV FireSafe's training breaks down complex concepts to simple language to make you safer, faster.

What are the learning outcomes?

Identify risks and hazards

Electric Responders can independently identify risks and hazards of electric vehicles in road traffic collision and fire

Act to ensure safety

Electric Responders can confidently determine how to mitigate risks and hazards for crew and occupant safety

Techniques, tactics, tools

Electric Responders have advanced knowledge of techniques and tactics, and can incorporate the right tools, to manage an EV incident

Real-world incident insights

Electric Responders have experience with EV FireSafe Skills Drills they can use to share life-saving knowledge with their crew and agency

Understand thermal runaway

Electric Responders know how to monitor for, and detect, the early warning signs of EV battery fire and understand the process and consequences 

Post incident considerations

Electric Responders can identify battery fire risk using EV FireSafe's EV ABC and communicate that to secondary responders

About EV FireSafe's Electric Responder training events

Electric Responder is our training program...once you've completed training with our expert team, you become an EV FireSafe Electric Responder 

We established Electric Responder in 2024 to support all emergency personnel in the transition to a world of electrified transport.
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Electric Responders are active first and second emergency services members or staff who've undertaken training intensive with our expert team.

On completion, Electric Responders have the knowledge and skills to not only confidently manage incidents involving EVs, but share that knowledge with their colleagues, using EV Skills Drills developed by the EV FireSafe team.

Our training can be run for any agency, anywhere in the world as a One Day Electric Responder event or a Five Day Train the Trainer event.

Want to organise Electric Responder or Train the Trainer sessions for your agency? Get in touch!

The EV FireSafe team are

#thought leading | #globally recognised | #data-driven | #safety focused | #evidence based 

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